Employee benefits — reimagined.

Empowering your team with benefits that matter.

Santé Group is a leading provider of employee benefits packages, committed to enhancing your team’s well-being. Through our intermediaries, Nugent Santé and Santé Life, we offer essential company benefits for employees like health insurance, life insurance, and additional perks. Whether you’re a small start-up or a large corporation, we understand the importance of your team’s health and happiness to your company’s success.

What type of business are you?

Company Private Medical Insurance

Covering medical costs to keep your employees healthy.


Ensure your business and employees are fully protected.

My Santé — health & wellbeing app

Health & Wellbeing in your pocket for just £39 per year!

Mental health benefits for employees

Support mental health in your workplace.

Other business solutions.

Healthier people - Reduced Costs - More Productive Employees.

Why have a health & wellbeing strategy.

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38.8 Million

Estimated days lost due to work-related health issues and injuries.

Source – www.hse.gov.uk/statistics/dayslost.htm

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7.7 Million

Amount of people currently on the NHS waiting list.

Source – nhswaitlist.lcp.uk.com

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1 in 6.8 people

Experience mental health problems in the workplace.

Source – www.mentalhealth.org.uk/statistics/mental-health-statistics-mental-health-work

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Healthy employees are more productive

They are also happier, more engaged and contribute to better company culture.

paul nugent picture

"Our mission is to help create a healthier, happier population that enjoy life in good health, by promoting health implementing wellness, engaging employees & providing assurance.

Paul Nugent - CEO

Why Choose Santé Group?

We’re passionate about making a difference.


Supporting businesses like yours since 2015.