Integrated Services

At Santé Group we’re committed to providing comprehensive, personalised, and effective healthcare support across a range of critical health issues – Our Integrated Solutions include access to Cancer, Dementia & Menopause Support as well as managed healthcare to meet the needs of you and your employees alike.

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Cancer Support

Perci Health works with businesses to deliver sensitive, effective support to employees impacted by cancer. Whether an employee has felt the effects of cancer personally or as a loved one, they will have experienced the psychological, physical and practical fallout of cancer, all while navigating the complexities of working life.

Cancer Support
patient advocate services

Managed Healthcare

Patient Advocate is here to meet the needs of employers who want to provide real, tangible help for employees, when they need it most. A healthy workforce is a productive workforce, ensuring people have access to guidance and support at the right time, in the right way, which is great for business, and great for people.

Managed Healthcare
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Menopause Support

Evidence-based Menopause & Perimenopause care, treatment and information. Newson Health are on a mission to improve the future health of women around the world.

Menopause Support
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Dementia Support

Changes in behaviour can be one of the most distressing and challenging effects of Dementia and for loved ones this is often coupled with a feeling of powerlessness. The Memory Lane Games app provides a practical way for families and carers to interact positively with their loved-ones and rekindle joy in time spent together. It is used by families and carers to calm, distract and engage, to bridge.

Dementia Support